LIVING WISDOM: A Blog about Dharma Practice and other Vajra Topics

Health Christina Burch Health Christina Burch

Doha Songs

Doha Songs are songs of realization and can inspire practitioners and instruct them on key points of the path.


Doha songs are songs of realization by great masters and yogins. These songs in poetic verse illustrate the spontaneous wisdom of great realizers. They contain and transmit key points of practice and the teachings and can bring great blessings and lead to powerful insight. Wisdom Nectar is a band with vocal by wisdom dakini Tsochen Khandro that records the dohas of lineage masters such as Dudjom Rinpoche and Milarepa.

Just a Tourist is a band that records the songs and poetry of contemporary master Traktung Yeshe Dorje, also known as tk. It combines the vocals of Sky and drums and percussion of Sangchen Tsomo, two wisdom dakinis. Doha Songs is a channel on YouTube.

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